Wildlife & Farming

Cruglas Farm, with its miles of newly planted hedgerows, 70 acres of mixed woodlands, river frontage and twelve ponds and lakes, is a haven for wildlife of all kinds. We have seen 140 species of bird here, of which 80 have bred. This includes Tawny, Barn and Long Eared Owls, Goshawks, Red Kites, 7 species of Warbler, Redstarts, Whinchats and Water Rails. The 25 species of mammal recorded include Otters, Polecats, Badgers, Foxes and 8 different species of Bat.  Cruglas also hosts 23 species of butterfly, including Marsh Fritillaries, most of the British dragonflies and all the common reptiles, including Common Newts and Adders. Species check-lists are available.

Conservation work has been going on here for 20 years and in 2013 we were awarded a prestigious prize for this work, our first public recognition. We have restored or re-planted over 10 kms of hedgerows, designed and excavated most of the dozen ponds and lakes and established over 125,000 native trees and shrubs of 42 different species. In addition, we have erected 300 birdboxes for tits ,flycatchers, owls , doves and kestrels and created an artificial nesting bank which houses a small colony of Sand Martins. Large flower meadows have been created in some wetland areas to encourage butterflies and three new reed-beds have been established for amphibians and water birds.

The farm affords direct access on foot to the Cors Caron NNR, which is the largest raised bog in Britain south of the Scottish border. The reserve has some boardwalks and a disused railway line, from which visitors can view insect eating sundews, nesting waders such as Lapwings, Curlews, Snipe and Redshank in summer and Hen Harriers, Short Eared Owls and many wildfowl in winter. The reserve ponds are good places to spot Otters and Red Kites and Buzzards fill the skies all year round.